
Single-flower vase in the winter of 2022


FORUS, “For Asu(=Tomorrow in Japanese)” rooms mean the place which makes tomorrow shine.
We will deliver a season letter about FORUS room delivered four times a year.

This winter’s single flower vase is based on the theme of “snow scenery” and we have prepared artificial flowers that are perfect for the exciting season.

FORUS Double A

FORUS Double B

FORUS Double C

Gypsophila,Frilled Christmas Roses,Ezomatsu Gold,Fabric leaves
Gorgeous shades of white and gold in the chilly season
reminds us of snow and illumination that our hearts brightly.
We are pleased to offer you such a single-flower vase.

<Flower language>
・ Gypsophila “Innocence, pure heart”
・ Frilled Christmas Roses “Consideration, Comfort”
・ Ezomatsu Gold “Aspiration, Bravery”
・Fabric leaves


With pure and fresh mind along with a single-flower vase in the FORUS room, we hope that we can help your departure.

The city is gradually being lit up with colorful lights. 
May each and every day be a sparkling day for all of you.

Click here for FORUS Room reservations

Cooperation with MICHALLON


FORUS Concept video
